Medium Curing Cutback Bitumen Description

Medium Curing Cutback Bitumen is a compound of different oil solvents such as kerosene in order to transform bitumen to soluble bitumen which is evaporated in oil solvent using process and the bituminous layer is remained to make cohesion, penetration and form a sealing layer. A famous sort of it known as MC250 or liquid bitumen in asphalt section including pavement (cohesive between 2 Tack coat asphaltic layers), cold asphalt (Roadmix) and substructure (cohesive between asphaltic and soil layers-Prime coat) has been previously used. Available kerosene in MC250 would lead to promoting bitumen restoration, better penetration in infrastructure application (Primecoat) but yet will increase environmental hazards, price and heating cost in using and discharging time comparison with various types of water-based emulsions. Bitucut bitumen is produced and supplied in these types: MC800, MC250, MC70, MC30 and MC3000 which have the different percentage of solvent. Bitucut usage differs in various conditions such as substructure (continuous grading with low free space, open grading, and soil percentage). Using Bitucut in substructures (Primecoat) is the most demanded application.
Medium curing (MC) cutback asphalts are defined as those asphalt grades, which are prepared by using the medium volatile kerosene as the prime coat with boiling point ranges (MC-30, 70, 250, 800, 3000). The mix is done in a cold manner.
Cutback bitumen or asphalt is classified based on the curing as follows, 1) Slow, 2) medium and 3) rapid curing.
The degree of evaporation in the medium curing cutback asphalt is intermediate because the kerosene is intermediate volatile liquid as compared to the naphtha and diesel. The degree of liquidity depends on the proportion in which the kerosene is mixed in the asphalt cement.
The following specification for the medium curing cutback asphalt with its properties are as given below.
The medium curing cutback asphalt is used in the flexible pavements for surface dressing, prime coating, and tack coating. Evaporation of the solvents will be at a moderate rate. This grade is used with aggregates for ensuring better work-ability in the mix.
The degree of liquidity developed in each case depends principally on the proportion of solvent to asphalt cement. To a minor degree, the liquidity of the cutback may be affected by the hardness of the base asphalt from which the cutback is made. The degree of fluidity results in several grades of cutback asphalt—some quite fluid at ordinary temperatures and others somewhat more viscous. The more viscous grades may require a small amount of heating to make them fluid enough for construction operations.
The medium setting grades are designed for mixing with aggregates. Because these grades do not break immediately upon contact with aggregate, mixes using them can remain workable for extended periods of time and lend themselves to cold mix stockpiles.
Medium Curing Cutback Bitumen Applications
The medium setting grades are designed for mixing with aggregates. Because these grades do not break immediately upon contact with aggregate, mixes using them can remain workable for extended periods of time and lend themselves to cold mix stockpiles.
A cutback bitumen medium curing MC is simply a combination of asphalt cement and petroleum solvent. Like emulsions, cutbacks are used because they reduce asphalt viscosity for lower temperature uses (tack coats, fog seals, slurry seals, stabilization material).
Similar to emulsified asphalts, after a cutback asphalt is applied the petroleum solvent evaporates leaving behind asphalt cement residue on the surface to which it was applied. Cutback asphalt is said to “cure” as the petroleum solvent evaporates away. The use of cutback asphalts is decreasing because of environmental regulations.
MC Cutback Bitumen Packing
Packing of MC Cutback Bitumen is in new thick steel drums on pallet to prevent any leak inside of container also bulk in bitutainer and tanker.
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