Bitumen Primer D41
Bitumen Primer D41 Description
Bitumen primer D41 is a solvent-based bituminousprimer suitable for general purpose roofing primer used as dressing to concrete, masonry, and metal surface and as a primer coat prior to application of membranes.
Bitumen Primer...
Bitumen Mastic
Bitumen Mastic Definition
Bitumen Mastic is a type of asphalt composed of suitable graded mineral and asphaltic cement, also to take in proper proportion to consistent mass solid or semi-solid form. when it is heated it is in fluid form and then becomes solid.Mastic...
Bitumen Roll Sheet
What Is Bitumen Roll Sheet?
Waterproofing Bitumen Membrane Sheet Or Bitumen Roll Sheet Or Bitumen Roof Sheet (Here referred to as WPBS) is the best industrial outcome in the area of waterproofing ever attained by scientific and technological advancement. These...
Bitumen C600
Bitumen C600 Description
C600 is a paving grade bitumen manufactured to AS 2008 Table 2.2 and is primarily suitable for use in high modulusbase course asphalt.
Summary of benefits
The Viva standards to which C600 bitumen is made result in a very consistent...
Bitumen C450
Bitumen C450 Description
Bitumen C450 is a paving grade bitumen manufactured to comply with AS2008 Table 2.2 and is suitable for use in heavily trafficked asphalt.
Bitumen C450 Applications
C450 was originally a development from the Roads and Maritime Services...