Gilsonite In Coating
Gilsonite Usage In Coating
There are few prior art coating compositions which combine the highly desired characteristics of economy, low raw material cost and compatibility with most of the raw materials used in the paint, varnish and enamel industry, and at the same...
Gilsonite In Chemicals
Gilsonite Usage In Chemical Products
Gilsonite combines with many chemicals and materials that take advantage of its unique physical and chemical properties. Binder and coating applications in metallurgical, wood product, refractory, and other industries further...
Gilsonite In Isolation
Gilsonite Usage In Isolation & waterproofing
By mixing Gilsonite, calcium carbonate, and bitumen with stretch enhancer oil , it is produced by an isogamy that creates composite and increases the thermal resistance of the rubble and creates a...
Gilsonite In Asphalt
Gilsonite Usage In Asphalt
Gilsonite (Natural Asphalt) are natural occurring hydrocarbon substances characterized by a high softening point (above 110° C) in the class known as asphaltite. They are mined much like other minerals and sold essentially in their native state....
Gilsonite In Inks
Gilsonite Usage in Inks & Paints
ER resins are “engineered resins”; the term “ER resin” or “Gilsonite ER resin”, as used herein, means a purified fraction of uintaite. These fractions are substantially enriched in maltenes or asphalteness relative to...